
The Cava-Tzu is a cross between the Shih Tzu, one of the world’s oldest dog breeds, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. A Shih Tzu is a little dog breed that originated in ancient Tibet and China and means “little lion dog.”

In this ultimate guide to Cava-Tzu, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this breed, from their appearance to their personality, training, and health.

What is a Cava-Tzu?

Although the term “Shih Tzu” means “little lion,” this dog breed isn’t very ferocious. This dog loves people, not hunts.

Shih Tzus are friendly, joyful, outgoing house dogs that enjoy nothing more than to accompany their owners from room to room. They were bred exclusively to be friends. They’ve become accustomed to sitting on the laps of people from all walks of life from the beginning of time, even emperors!

Shih Tzus have been trained for obedience, rally, and agility competitions, but in recent years, pet parents have started taking them out of their laps and into dog sports. They are wonderful family pets that get along with other animals and even kids, provided that the youngsters are aware of how to handle and play with a small pup tenderly.

This dog might be the one for you if you’re seeking for a small best friend who can adapt to flat life, snuggle with you on the couch and show you unending affection.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that dogs of any breed may experience health problems at any time in their lives. With the right pet insurance, you can be ready to provide your dog with the care they require at any age.

Origin and History of Cava-Tzu

The history of the Shih Tzu is lengthy, obscure, and contentious. The Shih Tzu is one of the 14 oldest dog breeds, according to a recent study, and dog bones discovered in China show that canines were living there as early as 8,000 B.C.

Some people think the species was created by Tibetan monks and presented to Chinese royalty as a gift. The Lhasa Apso or Pekingese may have been used to cross other breeds with to create the Shih Tzu, which is thought to have originated in China. Whether the breed originated in Tibet or China, it is obvious that people have valued Shih Tzus as companions ever since they were first domesticated. Small dogs resembling the Shih Tzu are shown in works of Tang Dynasty (618–907 A.D.) Chinese art.From 990 to 994 A.D., papers, a few paintings, and carvings make further mention to the dogs.

The Mongolian Emperor Kubla Khan reportedly kept tiny “lion” dogs with trained hunting lions in the 13th century, not as prey but to calm the lions. Some people think that these animals were Shih Tzus.

Chinese royal families had Shih Tzu-like dogs throughout the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644), and the “little lion dogs” or “chrysanthemum-faced” canines were described in a number of papers from that time. They were said to be little, perceptive, submissive dogs that looked a lot like lions.

Shih Tzus are rumored to have had their own palace and were taught to sit up and wave their front paws when the Empress came to visit.

Following her passing in 1908, other royal families engaged in competition to breed dogs with the greatest coats and colors. Breeding practices were kept a secret because of the competition. Good-quality dogs were frequently smuggled out of the palaces and given as gifts to foreign visitors or Chinese noblemen. Poor-quality canines were sold in the marketplace.

The first Shih Tzus, a male and female pair, were sent to England from Peking in 1928 by Lady Browning, the spouse of the north China command’s quartermaster general. A Mrs. Hutchins imported a Shih Tzu from China to Ireland in 1933; this canine was later crossed with Lady Bowring’s. The core of Lady Bowring’s kennel consisted of these three canines.

Shih Tzus were first imported and bred in the US by Maureen Murdock and her nephew Philip Price. By 1960, there were three Shih Tzu clubs: the Shih Tzu Club of America, the Texas Shih Tzu Society, and the American Shih Tzu Association in Florida. The American Shih Tzu Club was created in 1963 by the union of the Shih Tzu Club of America and the Texas Shih Tzu Society. The American Kennel Club designated the breed as a member of the Toy Group in 1969.

Appearance and Size

Small toy breed Cava-Tzu dogs average 18 inches in height and weigh between 10 and 16 pounds. Their coats are fine, medium, silky, and thick, and they often have two to three colors, including black, brown, white, tan, or ruby. They require a lot of grooming to keep them looking tidy.

Both sexes are about nine and ten and a half inches tall and nine to sixteen pounds in weight.

Coat and Grooming Needs

Beautiful long, silky Shih Tzu coats are available in a variety of hues, including black, black and white, grey, and red. White blazes on the forehead and tail tips are highly sought characteristics.

Shih Tzu coat maintenance is tough. To prevent tangles, daily brushing and combing are essential, as well as frequent bathing—as often as once per week. Many Shih Tzu owners actually give up and hire a pro groomer to trim those lengthy hairs short. Some of their beauty has faded, but so has the regular brushing task. Plan on grooming treatments every six to eight weeks if you trim the coat short and want to keep it that way.

Make the grooming process as enjoyable as you can for you and your Shih Tzu, starting with the puppy years, if you decide to handle it yourself. After all, you’ll be doing this frequently. Make sure to brush all the way down to the skin while using a brush. The majority of skilled Shih Tzu groomers instruct the dog to lie on its side while being brushed in portions; this makes it easier to brush and is more pleasant for the dog.

The Shih Tzu’s coat transforms from fluffy puppy fur to an adult coat that is smooth about ten to twelve months of age. You’ll probably notice that the coat is matting more quickly than you can brush it at this point. Never give up! This is only going to last for roughly three months. The adult coat fully developing makes brushing simpler.

The Shih Tzu should have their nails cut once a month, and once a week they should have their ears checked for dirt, redness, or an unpleasant odour that could be an infection. To avoid issues, clean them out once a week with a cotton ball dipped in a mild, pH-balanced ear cleanser. If the dog suffers from frequent ear infections, it may be necessary to occasionally pluck hair that grows inside the Shih Tzu’s ear canal.

Like a toddler’s face, the Shih Tuz’s need daily maintenance. They get messy after eating, and their eyes irritate easily, therefore it’s important to wipe their face with a soft cloth frequently.

The Shih Tzu is one of several little breeds that are susceptible to dental issues, therefore it’s critical to maintain their teeth. They may maintain healthy gums and teeth by regularly brushing their teeth with a soft toothbrush and dog toothpaste.

Personality and Temperament

Every type of dog has a use. Shih Tzus historically served as companions, and that is exactly what they strive to be. They only want to be with you. Therefore, don’t anticipate them to hunt, guard, or retrieve; that’s not how they roll.

Their defining trait is affection, and your lap is where they prefer to land. When they are with their family and are both giving and receiving attention, they are happiest.

Despite this, the Shih Tzu is not an entirely sedentary breed. They can bark at visitors to their home because they are vigilant and vivacious. But don’t worry, they’ll get along with your guests the moment they enter.

Training and Exercise Needs

Their training sessions are swift and simple because it has an intelligent and obliging attitude. Early training helps to avert problems in the future. Additionally, teach them how to be submissive and get along with other animals, guests, and young children. Its primary lesson is to teach the student to control their tendency to jump. It calls for a strict, dependable trainer who uses constructive criticism. The plan is always to compliment them and give them sweets if they accomplish anything helpful.

The breed is moderately energetic and does well in apartments because of its petite stature. It requires a small bit of exercise to maintain its physical and mental fitness. Although its propensity of jumping covers the majority of her exercise, it necessitates outdoor play sessions. To prevent boredom and destructive behaviors, take them for daily strolls or jogs. You should also let them run around in a fenced area.

Cava-Tzu Puppies for Sale

If you’re ready to start your search for a Cava-Tzu puppy, there are several places you can look.


A breeder is one of the most well-liked places to look for a Pomeranian-poodle mix puppy for sale. Do your research and locate a reputable breeder who is concerned about the health and welfare of their puppies. A reputable breeder will let you meet the puppy’s parents and will provide you copies of any certifications and health documents.

Pet Stores

Cava-Tzu puppies may be available for purchase in some pet stores, but it’s important to exercise caution when doing so. Puppies are frequently purchased by pet shops from puppy mills, where the animals are frequently mistreated and maintained in subpar conditions. If you decide to purchase from a pet shop, be sure to enquire about the puppy’s lineage and medical history.


A wonderful approach to offer a furry buddy a second chance in life is to adopt a Cava-Tzu puppy. Ask if there are any Cava-Tzu pups up for adoption at your neighborhood animal shelter or rescue group.

Training Tips for Cava-Tzu

They are intelligent and eager to please, making them easy to train with positive reinforcement techniques. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when training your Cava-Tzu:

  • As soon as you bring your Cava-Tzu home, begin training them. The key is consistency, and early norms and boundary setting are crucial. Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise and treats, to encourage good behavior. Avoid using punishment or negative reinforcement, which can cause fear and anxiety in your dog.
  • Training sessions should be brief, frequent, and singularly focused on one instruction or behavior. This will lessen the likelihood of your Cava-Tzu getting overwhelmed or bored.
  • Expose your Pomeranian poodle mix to a range of people, environments, and situations to help socialize them. They will feel more at ease and certain in unfamiliar circumstances as a result.
  • Practice consistency and patience, and keep in mind that training is a lifelong process. Your Cava-Tzu can learn to be a well-mannered and obedient pet with practise and patience.

Common Health Problems

Shih Tzus are typically in good health, however like all dog breeds, they are susceptible to certain ailments and diseases:

  • In dogs, allergies are a prevalent condition. There are three main categories: inhalant allergies, which are brought on by airborne allergens like pollen, dust, or mildew, contact allergies, which are brought on by a reaction to a topical substance like bedding, flea powders, dog shampoos, or other chemicals, and food allergies, which are treated by removing specific foods from the dog’s diet. Dietary restrictions, drugs, and environmental modifications are all possible forms of treatment.
  • Canine hip dysplasia is an irregular hip socket development that may result in pain and lameness.
  • The term “patellar luxation” refers to the dislocation of the kneecap. It hurts when the knee joint (typically in the back leg) moves in and out of position. This may be disastrous.
  • Young dogs can develop juvenile renal dysplasia (JRD), a hereditary kidney abnormality. The dog drinks too much water and needs to go potty regularly. They lose weight, throw up, and seem lethargic. Breeding dogs can only currently undergo one specific diagnostic procedure for the illness, a kidney wide-wedge biopsy that is extremely invasive and risky. Geneticists have created swab tests, but none of them seem to be completely reliable as of yet.
  • Numerous things, such as eating a diet high in protein, magnesium, and phosphorus, or going too long between urinations, might result in bladder infections and stones. Bacterial or viral infections can result in bladder infections. Take your Shih Tzu to the doctor for a checkup if they have frequent urination, bloody urine, trouble peeing, or lack of appetite.
  • Shih Tzus’ wide, bulging eyes make them susceptible to eye issues. Among the disorders are keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea that can result in a corneal ulcer and blindness, proptosis, a condition in which the eyeball is forced out of its socket and the eyelids clamp behind it, distichiasis, an abnormal growth of eyelashes on the edge of the eye that causes them to rub against the eye, ectopia cilia, a condition similar to distichiasis, and progressive retinal at If you see any redness, irritation, or excessive tearing, call your veterinarian straight away.
  • Shih Tzus are prone to ear infections because of their drop ears, which provide a warm, dark ear canal that is ideal for infection. To prevent issues, check and clean the ears once a week.
  • Because the Shih Tzu’s baby teeth may still be present when the permanent teeth erupt, problems with teeth and gums are common. The veterinarian may occasionally need to remove the newborn teeth. The undershot jaw of the Shih Tzu might result in teeth that are missing or out of place. It’s crucial to frequently wash your puppy’s teeth and notify your veterinarian of any dental issues, such as poor breath and loose teeth.
  • In Shih Tzus, umbilical hernias are quite prevalent. These are frequently brought on by the abdominal midline’s delayed closure. If the hernia is minor, it might heal as the puppy gets older. Surgery may be required to fix it occasionally, usually along with the puppy’s spaying or neutering.
  • A congenital anomaly known as a port systemic liver shunt causes blood channels to allow the liver to be bypassed. As a result, the liver does not properly cleanse the blood. In most cases, surgery is the best option.
  • Some claim that the easiest way to halt the reverse sneezing in dogs is to squeeze their noses together, forcing them to breathe through their mouths.

No matter how well-bred your dog is when you first bring them home, you should be ready for any problems that can arise down the road. You can be prepared for any veterinary needs your dog may have with the aid of a pet insurance policy.

Choosing the Right Cava-Tzu for You

If you’re interested in getting a Cava-Tzu, it’s important to choose the right dog for your lifestyle and personality. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a Cava-Tzu:

• Take into account your living situation: They may adapt and thrive in smaller homes or apartments, but they do need daily exercise and mental stimulation.

• Consider your degree of activity: They have moderate exercise requirements and love going for walks and playing. A Cava-Tzu might not be the greatest choice if you’re searching for a dog to go on walks with you or runs with you.

• Pick a trustworthy breeder: Doing business with a trustworthy breeder can help to ensure that your Cava-Tzu is healthy and socialized. Avoid purchasing from pet shops or internet marketplaces as these places frequently use subpar breeding techniques.

• Spend time with the puppy before adopting: By getting to know the puppy in advance of taking them home, you can decide whether they are a suitable fit for your family and way of life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a cava tzu?

The Cava-Tzu is a combination of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Shih Tzu with the latter being regarded as one of the oldest breeds in the world. A Shih Tzu, meaning little lion dog, is a toy breed that dates back to ancient Tibet and China.

What is the life expectancy of a Cavatzu?

She is a small cross with a life span of 10 to 15 years who can often be found taking part in agility, watchdog, competitive obedience and tricks.

What is the lifespan of a Shih Tzu Cavalier?

The Shih Tzu’s life span is a range of 10 to 16 years. The average is 13 years. This is an approximation and there are always exceptions. Many Shih Tzu do live until their early teens and some live until their mid teens.

Why is Shih Tzu famous?

The Shih Tzu is known to be especially affectionate with children. As a small dog bred to spend most of their day inside royal palaces, they make a great pet if you live in an apartment or lack a big backyard.

Why is Shih Tzu so expensive?

The main reasons why Shih Tzus cost so much is that they have small litters, they’re popular, and you’ll pay even more if you want a purebred Shih Tzu.

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